Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Understanding Finance Essay Example

Understanding Finance Essay Example Understanding Finance Essay Understanding Finance Essay Account is the distribution of benefits and liabilities after some time under states of sureness and vulnerability. A key point in account is the time estimation of cash, which expresses that a unit of money today is worth more than a similar unit of money tomorrow. Fund intends to value resources dependent on their hazard level, and anticipated pace of return. Account can be broken into three distinctive sub classes: open money, corporate fund and individual money. Substance [hide] 1 Areas of fund 1. 1 Personal account 1. 2 Corporate money 1. 2. 1 Financial administrations 1. 3 Public fund 2 Capital 3 Financial hypothesis . 1 financial matters 3. 2 Financial arithmetic 3. 3 Experimental account 3. 4 Behavioral fund 3. 5 Intangible resource fund 4 Professional capabilities 5 See likewise 6 References 7 External connections Areas of finance[edit] Wall Street, the focal point of American account. Individual finance[edit] Main article: Personal money Questions in close to home account rotate around Protection against unanticipated individual occasions, just as occasions in the more extensive economy Transference of family across ages (endowments and legacy) Effects of expense approaches (charge sponsorships as well as punishments) on the board of individual inances Effects of credit on individual monetary standing Planning a safe budgetary future in a domain of financial shakiness Personal fund may include paying for instruction, financing tough merchandise, for example, land and vehicles, purchasing protection, e. . wellbeing and property protection, contributing and putting something aside for retirement. Individual Tlnance may likewise Involve paylng Tor an advance, or aeot ODIlgatlons. I ne SIX Key territories of individual budgetary arranging, as recommended by the Financial Planning Standards Board, are:[l] Financial position: is worried about understanding the individua l assets accessible y inspecting total assets and family unit income. Total assets is a people monetary record, determined by including all benefits under that people control, less all liabilities of the family unit, at one point in time. Family unit income sums up all the normal wellsprings of pay inside a year, less completely anticipated costs around the same time. From this investigation, the money related organizer can decide to what degree and in what time the individual objectives can be practiced. Sufficient security: the examination of how to shield a family unit from unexpected dangers. These dangers can be ivided into obligation, property, demise, inability, wellbeing and long haul care. A portion of these dangers might act naturally insurable, while most will require the acquisition of a protection contract. Deciding how much protection to get, at the most financially savvy terms requires information available for individual protection. Entrepreneurs, experts, competitors and performers require particular protection experts to sufficiently secure themselves. Since protection likewise appreciates some tax reductions, using protection venture items might be a basic bit of the general nvestment arranging. Assessment arranging: ordinarily the annual duty is the single biggest cost in a family. Overseeing charges isn't an issue of on the off chance that you will settle charges, yet when and how much. Government gives numerous motivating forces as assessment findings and credits, which can be utilized to lessen the lifetime taxation rate. Most present day governments utilize a dynamic expense. Regularly, as ones salary grows, a higher peripheral pace of duty must be paid. [citation needed] Understanding how to exploit the bunch tax cuts when arranging ones individual accounts can have a critical effect. Venture and collection objectives: arranging how to amass enough cash for huge buys and life occasions is the thing that a great many people consider to be money related arranging. Significant motivations to collect resources incorporate, buying a house or vehicle, beginning a business, paying for instruction costs, and putting something aside for retirement. Accomplishing these objectives requires anticipating what they will cost, and when you have to pull back assets. A significant hazard to the family in accomplishing their collection objective is the pace of cost increments after some time, or expansion. Utilizing net present worth adding machines, the monetary organizer will recommend an ombination of advantage reserving and normal reserve funds to be put resources into an assortment of speculations. So as to defeat the pace of swelling, the speculation portfolio needs to get a higher pace of return, which regularly will expose the portfolio to various dangers. Dealing with these portfolio dangers is regularly practiced utilizing resource distribution, which looks to enhance speculation hazard and opportunity. This benefit assignment will recommend a rate distribution to be put resources into stocks, securities, money and elective ventures. The assignment ought to likewise mull over the ersonal hazard profile of each financial specialist, since chance perspectives change from individual to individual. Retirement arranging is the way toward seeing the amount it expenses to live at retirement, and thinking of an arrangement to disperse advantages for meet any salary shortage. Strategies for retirement plan incorporate exploiting government permitted structures to oversee charge llaOlllty Including: Inalvlaual (IRA) structures, or business supported retirement plans. Bequest arranging includes getting ready for the aura of ones resources in the afterlife. Normally, there is an expense because of the state or central government at ones passing. Evading these charges implies that a greater amount of ones resources will be circulated to ones beneficiaries. One can leave ones resources for family, companions or magnanimous gatherings. Corporate finance[edit] Main article: Corporate account Corporate money is the region of account managing the wellsprings of subsidizing and the capital structure of enterprises and the moves that administrators make to expand the estimation of the firm to the investors, just as the instruments and investigation used to designate monetary assets. Despite the fact that it is on a fundamental level unique in relation to administrative account which examines the monetary administration all things considered, as opposed to companies solitary, the primary ideas in the investigation of corporate money are appropriate to the budgetary issues of a wide range of firms. Corporate account for the most part includes adjusting danger and benefit, while endeavoring to boost an entitys riches and the estimation of its stock, and conventionally involves three essential zones of capital asset allotment. In the main, capital planning, the executives must pick which ventures (assuming any) to attempt. The order of capital planning may utilize standard business valuation strategies or even stretch out to genuine choices valuation; see Financial demonstrating. The second, wellsprings of capital identifies with how these speculations are to be financed: venture capital can be given through various sources, for example, by investors, as value (secretly or by means of a first sale of stock), lenders, frequently as bonds, and the organizations activities (income). Transient subsidizing or working capital is for the most part given by banks expanding a credit extension. The harmony between these components frames the companys capital structure. The third, the profit strategy, expects the executives to decide if any unappropriated benefit (abundance money) is to be held for future venture/perational necessities, or rather to be conveyed to investors, and if so in what structure. Transient money related administration is regularly named working capital administration, and identifies with money , stock and account holders the board. Corporate fund likewise incorporates inside its extension business valuation, stock contributing, or speculation the board. A speculation is a securing of an advantage with the expectation that it will keep up or increment its incentive after some time. In speculation the executives in picking a portfolio one needs to utilize monetary investigation to figure out what, how much and when to contribute. To do this, an organization must: Identify important targets and limitations: foundation or individual objectives, time skyline, hazard avoidance and assessment contemplations; Identify the suitable procedure: dynamic versus aloof supporting system Measure the portfolio execution Financial administration covers with the money related capacity of the Accounting calling. Be that as it may, monetary bookkeeping is the announcing of authentic money related data, while budgetary administration is worried about the portion of capital assets to expand an organizations incentive to the investors. Hnanclal rlsK the board, a component 0T corporate Tlnance, Is tne practlce 0T reating and ensuring monetary incentive in a firm by utilizing money related instruments to oversee presentation to hazard, especially credit hazard and market chance. (Other hazard types incorporate Foreign trade, Shape, Volatility, Sector, liquidity, Inflation dangers, and so on. It centers around when and how to fence utilizing money related instruments; in this sense it covers with budgetary building. Like general hazard the executives, money related hazard the board requires distinguishing its sources, estimating it (see: Risk measure: Well realized hazard quantifies), and figuring intends to address these, and can be subjective nd quantitative. In the financial part around the worl d, the Basel Accords are commonly embraced by universally dynamic banks for following, announcing and uncovering operational, credit and market dangers. Money related services[edit] Main article: Financial administrations A substance whose pay surpasses its use can loan or contribute the abundance pay. In spite of the fact that then again, a substance whose salary is not as much as its consumption can raise capital by acquiring or selling value claims, diminishing its costs, or expanding its pay. The loan specialist can discover a borrower, a monetary ntermediary, for example, a bank, or purchase notes or securities in the security showcase. The moneylender gets premium, the borrower pays a higher enthusiasm than the bank gets, and the budgetary delegate acquires the distinction for orchestrating the advance. A bank agg

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Secret Circle The Hunt Chapter 25 Free Essays

From behind a remain of massive trees came Max, his father, and the two trackers who’d got away from the housetop †Jedediah and Louvera Felton. Every one of them held a stone cut into the state of the tracker image †similar relics they’d used to execute Suzan. Scarlett rushed from the outset sight of the trackers, vanishing into the forested areas. We will compose a custom article test on The Secret Circle: The Hunt Chapter 25 or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Why wasn’t Cassie shocked? With all her lofty talk, obviously on a basic level Scarlett was only a defeatist. A brief glance went among Diana and Max. He glared at her with disgrace and bitterness in his eyes, similar to he may have been there without wanting to. â€Å"Now!† Mr. Boylan shouted, raising his image into the air. Adam shot his hands toward the head, getting out a safeguard spell. Scratch had a go at tossing his vitality at him with a fire impact. Be that as it may, Mr. Boylan and all the trackers gave off an impression of being impervious to their enchantment. They clung to their relics and recited their own revile, unhindered by anything cast their direction. â€Å"We need to get those stones out of their hands,† Melanie said. Together Chris and Doug charged for Louvera’s relic, however the second they went inside striking separation, the two of them dropped to the ground, holding their heads. Melanie dove for Jedediah’s relic, however she rushed to fall, holding her head as though the relic had struck her. Cassie, Diana, and Faye were all the while wearing the Master Tools. They held hands and pushed toward the trackers, reciting, â€Å"Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, and fire my spirit.† Mr. Boylan indicated no dread of the Tools. He ventured forward, holding his image out to them, mumbling similar words Cassie heard on the housetop: I entirety eius agens, I occidere in eius nomen †I entirety eius agens, I occidere in eius nomen †Cassie could feel that the Tools weren’t working. She felt feeble deep down and weak, and the wristband stayed cool and inert on her arm. Mr. Boylan appeared to develop more grounded each subsequent he proceeded with his serenade. He was outdoing them. Shrub, Deborah, and Sean had all tumbled down onto the ground. Cassie could no longer observe any other individual. Her own head started to pulsate, her vision obscured, and she knew it wouldn’t be some time before she likewise lost all her residual quality. â€Å"Cassie,† Diana said. â€Å"I’m †¦Ã¢â‚¬  She collapsed to her knees. Max went to Diana and shouted out. He hurried to where she’d fallen, remaining among her and his dad. Mr. Boylan attempted to wave him off the beaten path, however Max wouldn’t move. He put his stone relic on the ground and raised his arms. â€Å"We need to stop this,† he said. â€Å"Stop the curse.† Tears of bliss and help filled Diana’s eyes. Max had come through for her. Adam showed up at Cassie’s side, winded and confounded. â€Å"What’s he doing?† he inquired. The trackers had been lost by Max’s turnaround. For a short second they had stopped reciting, looking to Mr. Boylan for heading, yet now they continued again with full power. Max’s father got Max’s relic from the beginning held it out for him. â€Å"Take this,† he said. Be that as it may, Max wouldn't acknowledge it. He stood tall with Diana behind him. â€Å"Don’t make a horrendous mistake,† his dad said. â€Å"Obey your destiny.† Max looked back at Diana and afterward restored his eyes to his dad. â€Å"I am complying with my destiny,† he said. The Circle watched Max in wonder. There were a couple of moments of quiet, long enough for Cassie to hear Diana breathe in with a snappy, shallow breath and lurch to her feet. And afterward with a quick swipe to the head, Mr. Boylan took Max unconscious. Diana ran to Max’s help, yet Jedediah pulverized her with a couple of unpropitious words. She spilled onto the ground next to Max’s oblivious body. Shrub slithered over to Cassie, alarmed. â€Å"Do something,† she shouted. â€Å"Whatever you did on the rooftop, do it again.† Faye inclined forward at Cassie’s side, short of breath. â€Å"You have to,† she asked. â€Å"You’re our just hope.† Be that as it may, before Cassie could state a word, Adam jumped as though he’d been shot. At that point he dropped facedown onto the ground. Faye likewise clasped and afterward fallen, grasping her head. Cassie glanced around. She was the main Circle part despite everything standing. She stared at Mr. Boylan and ignited with a hot warmth. Book or no book, she had the force in her, and she knew it. All she needed to do was let it take her over. Cassie focused her psyche and took a full breath. She revealed to herself that simply this one time it was alright to surrender, to let the haziness wash over her and flood through her veins. Be that as it may, out of nowhere her legs went free from her. Her head felt like it had been aired out, and a parting torment guaranteed her she’d acted past the point of no return. All her vitality was being depleted from her body. It was the impression of passing on, she made certain of it. Through her foggy vision, she could see that Max had stirred and was attempting to ascend to his feet, however the other two trackers were limiting him. They kept him down as they proceeded with the revile, their relics still close by. The whole Circle had been overwhelmed. Every one of them lay spread around the sloppy ground like creepy crawlies left for dead. The hunters’ serenade got stronger. Mr. Boylan had shut his eyes and raised his arms to the sky, delighted and triumphant. Cassie could scarcely accept that after such a long, hard battle it could end so pathetically for her Circle. Yet, at that point Mr. Boylan’s eyes shot open again and he out of nowhere moved back. â€Å"Not again,† he said. â€Å"It can’t be possible.† Different trackers tensely filtered the encompassing region. They’d quit muttering their revile and tilted their heads toward the forested areas to tune in. Cassie faintly heard what they were hearing. Another dialect, both outside and recognizable. It was Scarlett. She was out yonder, strolling toward them, reciting a dull spell. Jedediah grasped his chest as he had on the rooftop. His face blushed as he panted for air, and he shouted for their retreat. He and Louvera moved in an opposite direction from Max and fled the other way. Max was stupefied. He was squinting his eyes, looking the ground for Diana, climbing like an infant deer new to its hooves. And afterward he yelled in torment, grasping his heart. Chris, Doug, and Sean rose back up to a standing position. Deborah, Laurel, and Melanie did likewise. The Circle was recapturing its quality even as Max’s melted away. Diana shouted out to Scarlett. â€Å"You’re murdering him!† But Scarlett was relentless. Mr. Boylan rushed to Max and helped him to his feet. â€Å"It’s an ancient,† he said. â€Å"We need to run.† He steadied Max’s arm around his neck. Max, squirming excruciatingly, permitted his dad to drag him away, and inside minutes they were gone, gobbled up by the shadowy woods. Disaster had been turned away. â€Å"I surmise we indicated them,† Scarlett stated, as she walked to the focal point of the beat and puzzled gathering. â€Å"Or at any rate I did.† Her eyes were as yet dull from the illegal spell. Cassie perceived the outcome of extreme force and delight on Scarlett’s face. It made Cassie desirous, angry even. How was Scarlett ready to take advantage of her dim enchantment without losing all control? She seemed ready to turn it on and off voluntarily. â€Å"Don’t worry,† Scarlett said. â€Å"I don’t expect a bless your heart. Not yet anyway.† She advanced to the vehicle. â€Å"We’d better leave, on the off chance that they have further amazements for us. We need time to pull together and reestablish our energy.† Everybody, somewhat shocked, loyally followed behind her as though she’d simply substantiated herself the Circle’s most commendable pioneer. Cassie, Adam, and Diana waited. â€Å"I hate to concede it,† Diana said. â€Å"But in the event that we hadn’t started her, we’d be dead right now.† â€Å"But that was dark enchantment that she utilized against them.† Adam looked immediately at Cassie. â€Å"Wasn’t it?† Cassie gestured. â€Å"Well, whatever it was,† Diana stated, â€Å"she did it for us. She got the opportunity to escape into the forested areas and leave us for dead, and she didn’t.† Adam was in understanding. â€Å"We still can’t trust her, yet perhaps she can be valuable to us after all.† â€Å"Maybe,† Cassie said. However, she knew better than anybody that one great deed didn’t change what someone's identity was. The most effective method to refer to The Secret Circle: The Hunt Chapter 25, Essay models

Monday, July 27, 2020

Beantown, H-Town, Blue Hills, House of Blues

Beantown, H-Town, Blue Hills, House of Blues My breakfast last Thursday: a Red Bull and an antibiotic. Thats the kind of week Ive had. Lots of deadlines, meetings, late nights, acne cream. But I cant complainIve had more than my fair share of fun this month. Lets go back a few weeks. At the time of writing, it is Halloween, or October 31. Three weeks ago, it was October 10, and I was in Houston riding a bike. October 09-10 (H-Town) I was in Houston for a conference that turned out to consist mostly of resume workshops and recruiters from chemical engineering companies. I went to some of the conference eventsskipped some, too. This is what I wrote on the night of October 10: What a surreal weekend. It was my first time in the South, if we don’t count Los Angeles, Florida, and the Grand Canyon. Based on stereotypes alone, I did not expect to like Houston. But now I understand the phrase southern hospitalityHouston is a place of lawn chairs and film screenings in open green spaces. Pickup basketball games, busboys who ask, “Are you from out of town?”, strangers who smile. Soft jazz and yellow lights in the street. On a whim (but not before consulting the Internet), I biked to the Sundance Cinema to see The Walk. Its about the tightrope walker Philippe Petit, who, in 1974, strung his high-wire across the Twin Towers and made his mark in history. The theater was empty besides a family and a few middle-aged men. Cute movie, though. En route to the theater, I passed a gathering with a banner welcoming me to Louisiana. At second glance, it turned out to be the Taste of Louisiana festival at the Jones Plaza. There was an entrance fee, so I didnt stay very long. Some other things I saw this weekend: the Rothko chapel, the JPMorgan Chase tower (and Personage with Birds by Joan Miró in front of it), the Houston is Inspired mural. Personage with Birds (abstract, pretty), JPMorgan Chase (tall, corporate) Houston is Inspired I can’t figure out what Houston reminds me of. The only thing I can think of is Taipei, after spending a month in Hong Kong, but Houston is slower and older than Taipei and Boston is slower and older than Hong Kong. It is a warm, relaxed city. A fine place to spend a weekend but not a life. October 17 (Blue Hills, House of Blues (in Beantown)) One of my resolutions for this semester is to spend more time outside, preferably outside of urban areasI would never call myself outdoorsy, but I do appreciate fresh air and pretty foliage as much as the next person. So on October 17, I hiked the Blue Hills Reservation with the Undergraduate Math Association. The terrain was unchallenging and the trail gorgeous; its the time of year when the leaves are changing color. Many living groups go on retreats during these few weeks. I normally never hike, except on vacation, so this was a nice change of pace. The lunchtime discussion had something to do with defining the bounds on the set of objects that can be considered sandwiches (Calzones? Pizzas folded in half? You decide)math majors are a funny crowd. The view from the observation tower. The distant mass of buildings is Boston. That night, my friend Caroline M. 18 and I went to see Glass Animals live at the House of Blues in Boston. We had already seen them live a year ago at the much smaller Paradise Rock Club, but they put on such an incredible show that we had to see them again; they certainly did not disappoint this time around! We danced awkwardly from the mezzanine and shouted lyrics to an entire album. It was the last night of the tour. The energy was palpable. The crowd at Glass Animals. Floor tickets were sold out, but I wish we had been down there! October 24-25 (Home) This was MITs Family Weekend; my parents drove up from Philadelphia to visit my brother and me. This was our first time doing Family Weekend. I wasnt sure what to expect, but I did ask my parents to bring me a few things: socks, pencils, and a laptop charger. So they brought socks, pencils, a laptop chargeroh, and enough persimmmons to fill half my minifridge, because I love persimmons, and my parents are crazy (in the best way, of course ?). If spent at MIT, the weekend features lots of panels by different departments, activities for families, and performances by various student groups. My family opted to stay mostly off campus because we have a lot of relatives living in Boston. I ended up spending the bulk of October 25th playing Trivial Pursuit at my aunts house and eating seafood with my familybasically an ideal Saturday. October 30 (Beatboxing) My best friend Jenn H. (Harvard 18) took me to a beatboxing workshop at Harvard, and it was insane. The workshop was run by world champions! I didnt know such a world championship even existed! I didnt know humans could make such a wide variety of sounds! This is what world-class beatboxers look like on a Friday afternoon in October: This is what world-class beatboxers look like when doing some world-class beatboxing: amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; It was a fairly small gathering; there were maybe 30 people in the audience. The event began with a QA session; then, when the workshop began, we stood up to do an icebreaker: Say your name. Make one sound you heard this morning. And then everyone repeated your name and made the sound back at you. Sure, it was awkward, but it did undeniably help break the ice and prepare for an hour of sounding silly in front of one another. The actual workshop was probably what you would expectAlem, the current world champion who is in the first video above, taught us how to make a few basic sounds (kick drum, hi-hat, rimshot), which we then assembled into rhythms. After Alems lesson, Dharni, the former world champion who is in the second video above, taught us how to make an echo sound (with mixed levels of success from the audience, hehe). Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun! The moral of the story is to have an extremely cool friend at Harvard who drags you to obscure events. The other moral of the story is that life is so much richer when youre able to have fun embarrassing yourselfa year ago I would have been so self-conscious about the whole thing that I wouldnt have enjoyed it. College has helped me grow a lot in this regard. Happiness All in all: life has kept me on my toes! There is always a lot to do, both on and off campusBoston is a very vibrant city. (I mean, so is Houston, but you dont need to fly there to have fun on the weekends!)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Short Note On Short Term Memory Essay - 1663 Words

When students are immersed in a situation where they are required to memorize a certain amount of information in a limited period of time, students often use memory techniques in order to store a given information. Most studies have suggested; students resort to using short-memory as a tool in a last minute exam/quiz study session. Short-term memory is defined as a finite amount of information that can be temporarily stored and retrieved for up to 20 seconds. Short-term memory can also hold up to nine groups of stimuli in a given information (Weiten, Stalling, Wasden, 2007). Models that have been used in the past demonstrate that short-term memory involves a rehearsal loop: the process of repeating information by practicing either verbally or cognitively. In Baddeley’s (2001) model of working memory, he concluded that short-term memory involved more than just a rehearsal loop. Baddeley’s model involves: a central executive system, the given undivided attention when needed; a visuospatial sketchpad, which allows individuals to store visualized images; an episodic buffer, where working memory components are temporarily stored up until retrieval; and a phonological loop, the process of repeating information by practicing either verbally or cognitively. In Woo and Kanachi’s study (2005), university students in Japan were asked to memorize a given list of words and were either placed into a no music group, where the participants had to memorize as many words as they couldShow MoreRelatedShort Note On Short Term Memory1065 Words   |  5 Pagesdiscuss how pictures and words affect Short Term Memory through testing short term memory, the process of collecting data, and errors made during the process of testing Short Term Memory. Understanding Short Term Memory is very important. What people remember in short period of time can be the difference between life and death or success and failure. Short term memory has a limit but an exact number is unknown. long term doesn t have a limit. Working memory is the system responsible for the holdingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Memento We Come Across A Diner Scene 891 Words   |  4 Pagespictures and notes can be problematic. In this scene Teddy says, â€Å"Lenny, you can’t t rust a man’s life to your little notes and pictures. Because your notes could be unreliable.† Christopher Nolan directed Memento in 2000, which is adapted from â€Å"Memento Mori† written by Jonathan Nolan in 2000. Both Memento and â€Å"Memento Mori† tell a story about a man who uses photographs and notes to help him remember things as he searches for his wife’s murderer without the use of his long-term memory. ChristopherRead MoreChristopher Nolan s Memento : Movie Analysis903 Words   |  4 Pagesnew memories and allows him to retain only 10-15 minutes of his memories. However, Leonard is not suffering from amnesia because he can recall memories from the past, including the origins of his condition. Leonard’s wife was being raped in their home and when he tried to interfere, the assailants dealt a blow to his head and damaged a part of his brain while leaving his wife dead, assumingly. This relates to the concept of memory formation and h ow humans retrieve, store, and create memories. TheRead MoreEssay on Memory Project1498 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Memory Project: Application to Learning Study Habits Memory is the capability to learn, retain, store and remember information from previous experiences. Memories are accumulated from prior experiences and recollected, which can influence change of behavior or thought. This ability can assist with learning and adapting to new experiences. Memory is essential to our lives. Without a memory of the past we cannot operate in the present or think about the future. We would not be able to rememberRead MoreSuccess On Computers : An Investigation Of The Soar Study Method For Computer Based Learning956 Words   |  4 Pagesany type of notes by typing, copying, and pasting and using any type of organizational tool while the â€Å"S group used bracketed facts to create a set of complete linear notes. The SO, SOA, and SOAR groups used bracketed facts to complete a wildcat matrix. The SOA and SOAR groups also clicked on association buttons to create a list of wildcat associations†) Finally, the groups had 20 minutes to study their materia ls followed by a distractor task in order to clear their short-term memory before beingRead MoreThe Importance Of Memory1185 Words   |  5 PagesMemory plays a crucial role in our lives. Everything we know and much of what we do is because of our memory. Because of its importance, memory has constantly always fascinated researchers. Without our memory, we would have no sense of identity, no idea of who we are. Memory is comprised of all the information that is encoded, stored and can be retrieved when needed. When encoding occurs, information is being processed by the brain. There are multiple types of encoding such as structural (what wordsRead MoreMismatch Negativity Through Understanding The Expectancy Theory804 Words   |  4 Pagescan expect what notes might come next, based on previous knowledge or the rhythmic patterns. Thus, mismatch negativity occurs when we are wrong about the notes we had expected to come next. MMN is important to music psychology as it reflects a proc ess in the auditory system for predicting future sound events on the basis of the recent past, and the brains reaction when those predictions are not fulfilled. (Trainor pp 172) Echoic memory: Echoic memory is a part of our sensory memory process, and isRead MoreHow Short and Long Term Memory Work Essay894 Words   |  4 Pages Short and Long Term Memory Your brain collects and forgets thousands, if not millions of memories every day. Every time you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell something, it comes into your mind and becomes a memory. A mental note is literally taken and shipped to your â€Å"short-term memory† file in your brain. Whether or not it gets pushed to â€Å"long-term memory† depends on how often you pull the sense from your brain, because if it is used often, your brain will automatically instruct itself not toRead MoreLearning Theory Essay916 Words   |  4 Pageswhat we can comprehend with the human’s finite mind. Information comes from environmental factors but the human intellect functions in such a way that learners can create additional knowledge from among the facts they have in their minds. Please note that the Holy Spirit may also at times open a person’s understanding beyond even a reasonable Gestault-style connection of incoming knowledge and his/her existing knowledge base (this process may be mistaken as an intuitive leap). II. PrinciplesRead MoreMemory Technique Essay1159 Words   |  5 Pagesis made into a memory, how study habits can affect this by using my own example, and showcase three recommendations that psychologists have given for effective studying. These being effective note taking, the keyword technique, and practice and rehearse technique and how they have helped me become a better student. What is memory? Before talking about how to improve it, we first need to define what memory is, and talk about the bare basics of how information is stored in memory. According to

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Abortion Should Not Be Legal - 1274 Words

Sabah Bari English 9 Mr. Cartusciello 12 March 2017 Abortion has been a hotly debated topic for years now. Abortion-rights advocates won a major victory in June when the Supreme Court struck down a Texas law requiring doctors to obtain permission to practice at hospitals near their offices and to have abortion clinics adhere to hospital building codes (guttmacher.org). A landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court upon the issue of abortion was Roe v. The right of an abortion is to only the individual and not for the government to get involved in. There ought to be no confliction as to the right†¦show more content†¦That the parent feels an emotional struggle to connect with the unwanted child which can lead to expression of physical interaction. One developmental effects of unwanted children because of denied abortion are statistically shown to have a juvenile record (guttmacher.org). A reasoning behind this could be because the abandoned infant did not have a stable household or had no ideal role model to aspire to . A topic that has played a big part in the legalization of abortion is if it would be considered to be murder. First we need to understand what is murder. As defined by the dictionary murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another (Webster Dictionary) Whereas abortion can be defined as the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus (Webster Dictionary). The definition of murder mentions the words unlawful and human being for that they do not apply to the definition of abortion. The term â€Å"human incubator† was used to describe the women pregnant with an unwanted child (debate.org). One of the debaters said â€Å"Abortion does not equate to killing a living breathing existing human being. The woman has a life, dreams, family, history, possibly a job. The fetus has nothing but what it is given (debate.org).† A fetus is not yet a human being. It is more like a seed or sprout of a human bein g. It is ‘alive,’ but that is alsoShow MoreRelatedAbortion Should Not Be Legal1647 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the most highly debated topics is abortion and whether or not it should be legal. People who oppose abortion, meaning they are pro-life claim that abortion should be completely illegal with no aspects of it whatsoever; it can be a murder for the people standing against it. The other side of the argument, meaning people who are pro-choice, defend it by believing it to be a right been given to the women. They also claim even if abortion was to be illegal, it would still be practiced. EveryRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal920 Words   |  4 Pagesworld has struggled with for ages and one thing that people are advocating around the world for is abortion. Abortion is either a procedure or pill that stops a fetus s heart. Abortion should not be legal because life beings at creation, abortions are a direct violation of the 14th amendment, and thousands of peop le would love to adopt a child: handicapped or otherwise. Abortion should not be legal because life begins at creation. What is creation? Some people say conception, but it actually isRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pages Abortions have been performed on women for thousands of years. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Most often it is performed during the first 20 weeks of being pregnant. The controversy over whether or not abortion should be legal continues to divide Americans till this day. An important landmark case was the Roe v. Wade case, where the Court argued that the zone of privacy was broad enough to encompass a woman s decision whether or not to terminateRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1320 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion, as you all may know, is a really popular topic. There have long been many debates between the two groups, pro-life and pro-choice. People who are pro-life believe that part of the government’s job is to protect all forms of human life. Those who are pro-choice believe that every individual should have control over their own reproductive systems. Pro-life supporters strongly believe that even an undeveloped fetus has lif e; it is still growing and it needs to be protected. And this soundsRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1135 Words   |  5 PagesKelsi Hodgkin Composition 1 Professor Chipps 19 October 2015 Should Abortion Be Legal A common debate in the world today involves abortion, the deliberate end of human pregnancy, and whether or not it should be legalized. â€Å"Every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day† (â€Å"Abortions Worldwide this Year†). On one side of the argument, people are not disturbed by this grotesque number, and on theRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?963 Words   |  4 PagesLegal or Illegal? Which would you prefer? Not many are willing to discuss such a gut wrenching topic, but this needs to be addressed. It is a very controversial topic with having to do with women rights and activists. Since there are two sides to every argument, there is one side such as to make abortion legal and the opposing side to keep abortions illegal. In my opinion making abortion illegal can regulate the amount of women who do get pregnant. I believe that making abortions legal will let womenRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1217 Words   |  5 PagesNovember 2015 Should Abortion be Legal Among all the issues that have been fought for or against in the United States, abortion may be one of the most popular issues that Americans are passionate about. Abortion is defined as the removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Thousands of abortions take place every single day, and yet public opinion remains at a standstill as to whether or not abortion is ethical. Everyone holds different opinions on abortion. The proponentsRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?867 Words   |  4 PagesABORTION Abortion is a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. There are series of legal, moral and ethical issues which may arise about abortion. Most arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal aspect of such actions. Some frequently asked questions’ regarding the issue is if the practice should be outlawed and regarded as murder or should women have the right to practice it. For example, prior toRead MoreShould Abortions Be Legal?939 Words   |  4 PagesShould abortions be legal? Abortions have been a big issue since the Roe v Wade case. There have been a lot of disagreements between the Pro-life supporters and the pro-choice supporters. Pro-life supporters feel like abortions deter murder, while pro-choice supporters believe that the women should be able to make their own decisions. I am a part of the pro-life supporters because I feel like abortions are wrong for several of reasons. Why should women get an abortion if there are other choices forRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal? Essay1089 Words   |  5 PagesWhen the word abortion is heard, it is always associated with many negative things such as murder and inhumanity. However not legalizing abortion creates a huge problem for women around the world. Having a child takes consideration, planning and preparation and if pregnancy happens without any of this, why bother to have it at all? The reasons why abortion should be legal is that it supports the fundamental human rights for women by giving them a choice, it reduces crime by reducing the number of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Life World of Alfred Schutz Free Essays

The world of everyday life is known as the life-world in Schutz’s sociology. People are oriented to the life-world in the natural attitude, in which the world is taken for granted until a problematic situation emerges. Schutz maintained that the life-world is defined by six characteristics. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life World of Alfred Schutz or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, it is characterized by wide-awakeness in which the actor gives full attention to life and its requirements. Second, the world is taken for granted; actors suspend any doubt of the existence of the life-world. Third, people work in the life-world — they â€Å"gear into† the life-world. Fourth, people experience the working self as the total self in the life-world. Fifth, the social life of the life-world is characterized by intersubjectivity. Sixth, the actor’s flow of time intersects with the flow of time of society. The life world is an intersubjective world, one that existed before our birth; it was created by our predecessors and it was given to us to experience and interpret. One’s life-world, in other words, predates an individual’s birth and is given to them to struggle with and attempt to transform. The life-world is therefore constraining, and people are always trying to shape or dominate it Cultural world was created by people in the past as in the present because it originates in and has been instituted by human actions; all cultural objects such as tools, symbols, languages, art, and social institutions point back to the origin and meaning of human action In his analysis of the life world Schutz was mainly concerned with the shared social stock of knowledge that leads to more or less habitual action Schutz views knowledge as the most variable element in our stock of knowledge because in a problematic situation we are able to come up with innovative ways of handling the situation Two aspects of stock of knowledge that is less likely to become problematic: 1. Knowledge of skills- most basic knowledge that rarely becomes problematic 2. Useful knowledge- definite solution to a situation that was once problematic How to cite The Life World of Alfred Schutz, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Women and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Reports on Saudi Arabia entrepreneurship suggest that women get high level support. In fact, the Kingdom has been leading in the Arab region in terms of regulatory reforms related to this field. This progression is a good indicator for the entire kingdom given that women can make significant contributions to the economy. The provision for an integrated study on the history and development of women entrepreneurship as well as the opportunities and challenges in place can be a great motivation to women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Women and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since the historical elections of two businesswomen to the board of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) in 2005, the history of women entrepreneurship became significant. These women who were also entrepreneurs changed the face of Saudi business and encouraged ec onomic participation of females. This participation led to other landmark developments such as the 2010 appointment of two businesswomen to the board of the Eastern Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EPCCI), not to mention the election of a businesswoman to serve as the Vice Chair of JCCI for the first time (Vaid, 2011). Revisiting such entrepreneurial developments can be a great motivation to the upcoming women entrepreneurs. Hence, this research will review such histories to point out the circumstances that these successful women have gone through. The purpose of this project is to focus on the development of women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia with an emphasis on why they chose to start their own businesses. It also identifies various opportunities and problems they face. A research conducted by Sadi and Al-Ghazali â€Å"doing business with impudence† in 2009 is the main motivating factor to research on women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia (Sadi Al-Ghazali, 2 009). The major aim of their research was to find out the reasons why Saudi women chose to venture in business as well as an examination of the approaches they made. In Saudi and the Arab region, few researches have been conducted to investigate the trends, opportunities and problems encountered by women entrepreneurs and the motivation they have in running their own businesses. The major aim of the project is to undertake an empirical approach to investigate the potential opportunities and challenges which women entrepreneurs face when venturing in Saudi Arabia.Advertising Looking for proposal on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is a pressing need to find ways through which upcoming entrepreneurs can be motivated to invest in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, this project will consider exploring the historical trends which have made Saudi women to invest in business. Although there is substantial development in wo men entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia, Minkus-McKenna investigated ease of starting a business in MENA region and ranked Saudi Arabia below Israel. Although the country was ranked first in the ease of doing business, it is far much behind other MENA countries when it comes to women starting businesses. The rationale for conducting this research is that Saudi women are increasingly becoming active in entrepreneurship, yet they encounter unique challenges when compared to Saudi men. An investigation of Saudi laws relating to women reveal that they are to date restricted by custom to open their own businesses, buy property, drive and make investments in real estate. In fact, even the simplest duty of reporting a case to a police station must be accomplished by a male guardian (Abdullah, 2007, p.1). The so called women rights and freedoms are perceived to go against the very moral fiber of conventionalist culture and an ignorant departure from the teachings of Allah to the Muslim communi ty. When registering for a new business venture, the process is technically the same for both women and men entrepreneurs. The only law applying to ventures owned by women is to have all female workers in the assigned section of women with separate entrance and exit avenues; and a male manager in the section designated for men (Parker, 2007, p.1). Nonetheless, there have been changes in several decisions pertaining to the rights of Saudi women over the last several years. Until late, a female Saudi could not practice commercial activities without a male agent representing her in management and in handling the procedures for establishing a legal (Fakkar, 2007, p.1). However, it has been suggested that some Saudi women still complain that they require male agents to accomplish certain business tasks. These observations add to the motive to do the projected research. The project will start with reviewing the history of women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. This will offer the opportu nity to highlight key women figures and their motivation to business.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Women and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The project will then focus on identifying the business opportunities available for Saudi women and the problems they will certainly face when investing as well as making recommendation on how to exploit the opportunities while solving the problems effectively. Thus, the project is a way of motivating and encouraging upcoming Saudi women to venture into new businesses. In the recent past, a new interest has emerged to encourage women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. In October 2010 for instance, the third exhibition for the Young Business Expo was specifically arranged for female Saudis in Jeddah at the International Exhibition Center (Monitor Group DSG, 2010). Learning institutions especially universities have engaged in activities th at encourage women to start business across the kingdom. International organizations such as Gulf Corporation Council have also embarked on a mission to support women especially in the gulf region where their involvement in business is very low. Therefore, as a response to these positive developments, this project is also intended to arm Saudi entrepreneurs with the necessary strategies to exploit business opportunities and solutions to the problems they will encounter when venturing. Methodology As noted before, this project is largely aimed at discussing the history and the presence of Saudi women entrepreneurs, investigating the business opportunities in place as well as the problems they will certainly encounter in venturing. It is also the aim of the study to recommend the best strategies to exploit the opportunities and most effective solutions to the problems. A review of the historical trends in women entrepreneurship is imperative because the field lacks enough theoretical and empirical perspectives which can give the necessary information on how to go about women growing their own businesses in Saudi Arabia. This lack of substantial information on women entrepreneurship calls for an inductive approach of research. Lichtman (2009) is of the opinion that an inductive approach should go with a qualitative research. In this project, the empirical intention is to investigate opportunities and problems encountered by Saudi women in growing their own businesses. It does not involve any measurable quality, hence makes the study qualitative.Advertising Looking for proposal on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The justification for this study approach is that the project focuses on understanding the context within which it takes place and not focusing on a cause-and-effect relationship. It is imperative to avoid a rigid methodology in order to allow for an alternative explanation for what is going on. As Klenke (2008) links an inductive approach to positivism philosophy, the project will try to find out ways to enhance women entrepreneurship by analyzing the responses put forward by successful women entrepreneurs. Two methods will be adopted to collect data. The first method will be an online survey through questionnaires. This will ensure that the information collected from the participants is standard. The questionnaires will be administered online through email. This will make them available to the target groups who do not work at the same time and eliminate the risk of loss, mishandling and unintended access. An official at the Eastern Chamber of Commerce Center at Dammam will provide the needed direction to entrepreneurs to get their cooperation. However, the participants will send the filled questionnaire directly to a predetermined email address because some issues such as regulations and financing are sensitive to the government and funding institutions. The responses will be more favorable if the questionnaires are anonymous. The other method of extracting information will be drop-off and pick-up method that will still use questionnaires. A set of questionnaires will be handed to the business center in the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce. This method is adopted due to the proximity of the region to the researchers. This secondary source of information will act as the comparative tool for the outcomes of the Dammam case. This is important to ensure that the responses are varied and the sample represents the entire Saudi women population. Considering the size of the sample, it can be argued that certain suggestions may apply to a particular region and not the whol e kingdom. Therefore, a comparison is important to test this representation. Collins (2010, p.42) comments that a research project using an inductive approach is more likely to be concerned with the context in which activities are taking place and might mean that a small sample is more appropriate than a large sample. Therefore, the sample will consist of 75 Saudi women entrepreneurs; 50 will be from Damman and the rest from Jeddah. These participants will consist of Saudi women who have been successful in growing own businesses. They must be recognized by either the Eastern or Jeddah Chambers of Commerce and be willing to participate. Their businesses must also not be more than three years old. These conditions ensure that the project focuses on the current and relevant aspects under the study. Data Sources Primary Data Online survey through questionnaires Secondary Data Drop-off and pick-up questionnaires Literature Sources Publication on entrepreneurship history in Saudi Ara bia Saudi Government publications on women and business Publications on women entrepreneurship Publications on Saudi Arabia women entrepreneurship Publications on Saudi business policies Reports from business related agencies such as banks and markets Aspects of MBA Syllabus Used This project will apply modules involving various MBA aspects and in particular the courses in Entrepreneurship, finance and strategic management as well as Management of change. Reference Abdullah, S. 2007, Jowhara Al-Angari: strengthening Saudi Women’s rights. Web. Collins, H. 2010, Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries. AVA Publishing, Worthing. Fakkar, G. 2007, Removing obstacles to women’s business. Web. Klenke, K. 2008, Qualitative research in the study of leadership. Emerald Group Publishing, London. Lichtman, M. 2009, Qualitative Research in Education: A User’s Guide. SAGE, Los Angeles. Minkus-McKenna, D. 2009, Women entrepreneurs in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Web. Monitor Group DSG 2010, Growing aspirations: supporting women’s entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. Web. Parker, M. 2007, Women ‘own’ some 1,500 companies. Web. Sadi, M. A. Al-Ghazali, M. 2010, ‘Doing business with impudence: a focus on women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.’ African Journal of Business Management, vol.4 no.1, pp. 1-11. Vaid, I. Y. 2011, ‘Saudi women and entrepreneurship opportunities in architecture and interior design.’ Middle East Studies Online Journal, vol.4 no.3, pp.445-459. This proposal on Women and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia was written and submitted by user Stephanie Vargas to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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