Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Costa Rica Essay - 900 Words

Costa Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles. The capital is San Josà ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185-mile northeastern coastline by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630-mile southwestern coastline by the Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone of the country, descend much more gradually toward the generally wider Caribbean (Atlantic) Plain. The Pacific coast is generally lowland in character, and, like the Caribbean coast, it is lined with white sandy beaches. The country has made use of its†¦show more content†¦The annual growth rate for Costa Rica is 2.4%. Currently it takes about 36 years for the population to double. If this trend continues, by the year 2036 there will be approximately 7,346,000 people living in Costa Rica. That means that there will be a population density of about 350 persons per square mile. Approximately one-third of Costa Rica’s population is under the age of 15. This means that in about 10 years, when the country’s young people start having children, will be even more over populated. Because of their overpopulation problem, Costa Rican’s will continue to be in poverty. Costa Rica is a democratic republic. Its constitution, adopted in 1949, establishes independent legislative, executive, and judicial branches. There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 57 members who are elected to four-year terms by universal adult suffrage. The assembly can pass laws over presidential veto. Executive power rests with a popularly elected president, who chooses the cabinet, and two elected vice presidents. The president serves a four-year term and may not succeed himself. The judicial system is headed by the Supreme Court of Justice, which has the power to rule on the constitutionality of legislation. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal, an independent body elected by the Supreme Court, oversees Costa Rican elections. Primary education is free and compulsory for all Costa Rican children. It is estimated that about 90Show MoreRelatedCosta Rica945 Words   |  4 PagesCosta Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles. The capital is San Josà ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185-mile northeastern coastline by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630-mile southwestern coastline by the Pacific Ocean. br brCosta Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone ofRead MoreIt in Costa Rica1036 Words   |  5 PagesCosta Rica Costa Rica is a peaceful Central American country fronting both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It has almost 4 million residents, a stable democratic government, no army, and is host to Central America s largest hi-tech community, including the Latin American Headquarters of Microsoft and one of Intel s most modern chip fabrication plants. Many major US high-tech corporations maintain offices or branches in Costa Rica including IBM, Oracle, Dell, Apple, Compaq, Cisco, and othersRead MoreThe Xenophobia Of Costa Rica1890 Words   |  8 PagesThe Xenophobia of Nicaraguans in Costa Rica Introduction Migrant labor is omnipresent in global supply chains that seek labor at a reduced cost. It is of no surprise that migrant labor is being used in coffee cooperatives and plantations in Costa Rica. When visiting Costa Rica we were able to visit numerous coffee plantations. Most of these plantations used migrant labor from Nicaragua, Panama, the regional indigenous population of the Guaymi, and even local Costa Ricans. The focus of this reportRead MoreCosta Rica Essay1117 Words   |  5 PagesCosta Rica Known for its natural beauty and gracious people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is a true gem, the Republic of Costa Rica. Located ten degrees north of the equator Costa Rica is in the tropics and even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well. One unusual aspect of Costa Rica is that the country has no armyRead More Costa Rica Essay1076 Words   |  5 Pages Costa Rica nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Known for it’s natural beauty and gracious people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is a true gem, the Republic of Costa Rica. Located ten degrees north of the equator Costa Rica is in the tropics and even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One unusualRead More Costa Rica Essay1076 Words   |  5 PagesCosta Rica   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica is a Central American republic located north of Panama and possessing two seacoasts (Pacific-west, Caribbean east). The capital and largest city, San Jose, is located in the central mountain valley. Costa Rica is notable among many Latin American countries for its long-standing democratic form of government. Costa Rica is well known for their hydroelectric plants and agricultural goods. I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Government: 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital: San Jose 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Country: Costa Rica 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ThereRead MoreThe Culture Of The And Costa Rica1650 Words   |  7 Pagesleaders in how business is conducted to the appeal we wear and how our dietary needs are met. Belize and Costa Rica are two examples of the creative balancing act needed to understand the past to use the knowledge for making the informal decision, such as on cultural issues, environmental, religion choices, language, and economic development. Spanish explorers imprint has been left in Belize and Costa Rica throughout each infrastructure, religion and demographic. However, the first to establish a legacyRead MoreThe Influential Example Of Costa Rica973 Words   |  4 PagesBranding: The Influential example of Costa Rica (Essential Costa Rica) Nation Branding is a tool that helps to measure, build and manage the reputation of a country. Essential Costa Rica is the country’s brand; it tries to â€Å"sell† and promote Costa Rica as a high tech industry and innovative country, it showcases the nation ´s advanced export capacity as well as its leadership in protecting natural resources and promoting sustainable development. Essential Costa Rica aims to promote the country as a destinationRead MoreUniversal Healthcare At Costa Rica859 Words   |  4 PagesUniversal Healthcare in Costa Rica Veronica B. Ortner Miami Dade College Universal Healthcare in Costa Rica Aside from being an amazing place to vacation, Costa Rica has some of the best healthcare in Latin America. In the U.S. healthcare is outrageously expensive. Even with Obamacare, some people can’t afford it. Costa Rica has universal healthcare, which has been up and running for more than 70 years, where everybody is cover. In an article written by Chris Gilbert for the Centre Daily Times heRead MoreCosta Rica And Its Effects On The Economy1035 Words   |  5 PagesCosta Rica was home to by an estimated four hundred thousand Indians when Columbus found it in 1502. The Spanish began their conquering of the country in 1524. The region grew very slow and was governed as a Spanish province. Costa Rica took their independence in 1821 but was engrossed for two years by the Mexican empire. It became a republic in 1848. It was ruled by the dictator Tomà ¡s Guardia from 1870 to 1882 with the help of his massive army. (Costa Rica, 2014) Since then, Costa Rica has enjoyed

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tools to measure the effectiveness of social media Free Essays

What tools are there to measure the effectiveness of a social media campaign? Which, in your opinion, are the best and why? These are five tools to measure our social media marketing effectiveness: Page Rank Checker Using a quick online form, this site enables us to instantly check our websites current Google page rank from O to 10. Our site’s page rank is determined by a Google algorithm analyzing various elements of our website, and then comparing them to competitor sites. Hoot Suite Hoot Suite is probably best known for its social media communications dashboard LOL, but it also offers a suite of analytical applications as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Tools to measure the effectiveness of social media or any similar topic only for you Order Now With Hoot Suite, we can track brand mentions, analyze our social media traffic, and track the growth of our followers. Google Analytics and Backbone Insights can also be integrated into our Hoot Suite account, making the service even more valuable. Clout Another social media analytics tool, Clout provides a measurement of our influences across social networks. The guts of Clout is the Clout score which takes into account our network size, content, and how people interact with our online content. Clout cores range from O to 100, with 20 being the average. Google Analytics One of the most widely used web analytics application, Google Analytics is as robust as it is popular. Analytical tools include advertising ROI, e-commerce tracking, social network application tracking useful to analyze both website traffic, but also marketing effectiveness. A particularly useful feature is website referral traffic, which tells us where visitors came from before they visited our site. Backbone Insights Similar to Google Analytics, but for Backbone. Backbone Insights enables us to reawaken our â€Å"likes† by demographics and other attributes. It includes a plethora of handy statistics, like page views, performance of posts, inscribes information, and more. Backbone page administrators can access Backbone Insights on the left hand side bar. In my opinion we need all tools to be able to have a clear picture of all our social media marketing success but we may chose page rank checker to see where we are comparing to our competitors. How to cite Tools to measure the effectiveness of social media, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors free essay sample

2.1. Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors 2.2. Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors 3.2. Explain the reasons why children’s development might not follow the expected pattern Factors that influence development. Core 3.1 2.1 Children’s development is influenced by a variety of different personal factors. Such factors can include Cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, dyslexia, and many more. Cerebral palsy occurs when there is lack of oxygen to a baby’s brain when being delivered. This causes brain damage which can then cause problems when trying to reach development norms. Cerebral palsy affects a child’s movement and coordination. â€Å"Your child may be slower in achieving important developmental goals, such as learning to crawl, walk or speak.† (NHS (Online) 21/04/2012). They may never even begin to do these things, depending on the severity of their illness. Down’s syndrome is another personal factor that will influence development in children and young people. Down’s syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome in the child’s genes. â€Å"All children with Downs syndrome have some degree of learning disability and delayed development, but this varies widely between individual children.† (NHS (Online) 24/01/2013). Even though their development will be delayed, they are very likely to achieve just at their own pace. Autism is a disability that can cause developmental delays. â€Å"Autistic children are unable to make eye contact. Without eye contact, autistic children often will not develop skills such as eating properly, speech and other motor skills babies and toddlers must develop.† (Living Healthy. (Online) August 13, 2008). Delays in speech development will then lead to poor communication skills, which will then affect that child for the rest of their life. Core 3.1 2.2 As well as personal factors, external factors also influence a child/young person’s development. External factors are things such as the environment, friends, family, food, along with many more. Poverty is an external factor that has a huge effect on children and young people’s development. â€Å"Being  poor puts children and young people at risk. Poverty has a negative impact on health, educational achievement and social participation.† (Cambridgeshire.gov. (Online) March 2010). This shows that poverty doesn’t just impact a child’s health but also a child’s development. By effecting social participation, it means that a child growing up in poverty may struggle to form relationships. This may also affect their communication skills which will possibly last into adulthood. Neglect is also an external factor that will impact development in children and young people. Neglect is failure to care for properly. â€Å"Its impact can become more sev ere as a child grows older and can encompass multiple areas, including: Health and physical development Intellectual and cognitive development Emotional and psychological development Social and behavioural development†(Child welfare. (Online) 2006). This shows how much of an impact neglect can have on a child/young person’s development, as it doesn’t just effect one area of development but multiple areas and can last a lifetime. Neglect in early years will then make the child develop trust issues and affect relationship building. They will also have low-confidence and low self-esteem which will possibly affect them for most of their life, or until at least adulthood. A child being in foster care is another external factor that will impact on their development. â€Å"Children in foster care face many challenges that affect their lives, some of which may even impact their development. Children may need to overcome obstacles from their past that impeded their ability to learn and grow.† (How kids develop. (Online) 2008). Children are taken/put into care for many different reasons, they may not have had a great life or may have missed out on opportunities, or maybe they were neglected and/or abused and being in care is an opportunity to give them the best life possible. However, being in foster care also has its difficulties. Children may be unable to form attachments; they may isolate themselves socially, making it hard to build relationships. They may have been through trauma and are unable to move on, which will affect many parts of their development. 3.2 Children’s development may not follow the expected pattern due to a range of personal and external factors. This could be due to disability, long-term illness, life-threatening illness, environment, friends, family, etc. Disability can affect the development pattern. For example, a child that may not be able to use their legs will not be able to start crawling/walking, therefore they are unable to fully develop in that area. If a child or young person struggles with social activities, this can then impact their social and communication development, making it hard to build and maintain relationships with others. This then means that they will not develop fully-functioning social skills, making it harder to in later life. A child’s diet could have a huge impact on their sequence of development. A poor diet can have a huge impact on a child’s growth, therefore affecting their physical development.