Sunday, February 16, 2020

In this paper, you will argue and explain ONE small detail of the Essay

In this paper, you will argue and explain ONE small detail of the story helps shapes ONE larger theme of the story - Essay Example The story shows how the hunger artist was caged not just physically but also spiritually. One of the most annoying things for the hunger artist was that the spectators lost interest and faith in his performances and talent. Many of them thought that his fasting was dishonest and thus there were many people form the audience who kept an eye at him. Moreover, there were night watcher groups as well that monitored him to ensure that he is not taking any nourishment. They annoyed him all night by pointing their pocket torch lights at his face. the author writes â€Å"Nothing annoyed the artist more than such watchers; they made him miserable; they made his fast seem unendurable; sometimes he mastered his feebleness sufficiently to sing during their watch for as long as he could keep going, to show them how unjust their suspicions were† (Kafka 57). The cage is a symbol used by Kafka which represents the alienation of the hunger artist from the society. The cage is where the artist performs and it creates a division between the spectators and the artist to prevent him from those who don’t understand him. The hunger artist has his own world inside the cage where he understands himself and respects his talent whereas the world outside is unable to respect and understand the artist's perfection and honesty. The author writes â€Å"For he alone knew, what no other initiate knew, how easy it was to fast. It was the easiest thing in the world. He made no secret of this, yet people did not believe him’’ (Kafka 58). The spectators did not believe him and thought he cheated on his fasts as there was no one to keep an eye on him all the time. The artist believes that what stops the spectators form believing him is their position which is outside the cage. These spectators don’t even appreciate him and thus the cage is a symbol to represent security and protection for the artist from these people who are unable to understand him. The hunger a rtist feels cheated and helpless which is why he has isolated himself in the cage. It is the place where he and his honesty reside. It is the part of the world where he feels separate from others and believes in himself. But it is not long when the attitudes of people and spectators broke him down. the audience showed that they admired him so much but in reality they hated him and were cruel, â€Å"And he looked up into the eyes of the ladies who were apparently so friendly and in reality so cruel, and shook his head, which felt too heavy on its strength-less neck† (Kafka 58). The cage also represents the relationship that the hunger artist had with himself. The artist felt that he was trapped and caged within himself. His fasts were directly affecting his body which is why he was physically constrained. He was trapped in his body and even if he wished to escape from it, it was only through death. His fasts were merely a way through which he attempted to escape his skin. Fast ing was associated with his divinity and death. In the end he gives up his life to escape his body unable to do anything else as his body had limitations. This was an achievement for him as this was his idea of perfection. The hunger artist believed in himself and his perfection, he set out leaving his manager and â€Å"So he took leave of the impresario, his partner in an unparalleled career, and hired himself to a large circus; in order to spare his own feelings he avoided reading the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Density Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Density - Lab Report Example By means of displacement, the difference in the initial and final volumes of liquid used would be the volume displaced through the solid object plunged into the water, and, therefore, it serves as the volume of the material itself. At this stage, given the mass, it may be hypothesized that the mass of pennies divided by the volume displaced or occupied which causes rise in the water level within the graduated cylinder yields to the penny’s density. Methods and Materials Type of Metal Used: Early-1985 penny with an accepted density value of 7.18 g/ml. Initially, a 50-ml graduated cylinder was filled with 20.00 ml of water, and it was carefully recorded. The initial mass of cylinder and water (combined) was acquired using a top-loading balance and then recorded as initial reading for the cylinder-balance setup. Pennies were dropped by increments of two where the new volume was read and the new mass was measured using the same balancing equipment each time. This step was carried out repetitively to make a total of five data sets, which includes noting of final volumes along and masses (7th and 8th columns) through addition of previous differences with actual volumes and masses, correspondingly. There were ten pennies dropped all in all, and in order to obtain the experimental value of density for each set of pennies, the following equation was applied: Density, ? = [ Mass(2) - Mass(1) ] / [ Volume(2) - Volume(1) ] (in g/ml) Results Initial Volume of Water (ml): 20.0 ml_ Initial Mass of Cylinder + Water: 105.06 g_ density, g/ml % difference Rep A 5.03 29.94 Rep B 9.82 36.77 Rep C 10.06 40.11 Rep D 5.00 30.36 Rep E 9.98 39.00 Sample Calculations (using Reps A & B of the table): Actual Volume = 21.5 ml - 21.0 ml = 0.5 ml Actual Mass = 115.0 g - 110.09 g = 4.91 g Density = Actual Mass / Actual Volume = 4.91 g / 0.5 ml = 9.82 g/ml Final Volume = Actual V1 + Actual V2 = 1.0 ml + 0.5 ml = 1.5 ml Final Mass = Actual M1 + Actual M2 = 5.03 g + 4.91 g = 9.94 g Then us ing the given theoretical value = 7.18 g/ml and the formula % difference = | 9.82 - 7.18 | / 7.18 x 100% = 36.77% volume, ml mass, g 20 105.06 21 110.09 21.5 115 22 120.03 23 125.03 23.5 130.02 Based on the 3rd and 4th columns of the first table, beginning with a volume (water) of 20.0 ml and a mass (cylinder + water) of 105.06 g, the amounts (volume and mass) of each succeeding row are subtracted from the corresponding amounts of the preceding row to generate the 5th and 6th column outputs showing actual entries specific for every two-penny increment. Since these densities appear to be significantly different as compared to the literature value of 7.18 g/ml, the average density was estimated from the graph of mass vs. volume of pennies. Considering the best-fit line drawn (via MS Excel program) fairly between the plotted coordinates, the slope would be 7.186 g/ml according to the resulting equation m = 7.186v – 39.36, so that percent difference equals (7.186 - 7.18) / 7.18 x 100% or 0.0836%, which is appreciably lower than the % difference solved individually, as shown prior. Discussion / Conclusion Though the outcomes reflect inconsistent values of density on the basis of the actual volumes and actual masses which had been arrived at through the displacement method,